
Authors Translators

Gérôme Truc

Gérôme Truc is a CNRS research fellow at the Institut des Sciences sociales du Politiques (CNRS / Université Paris Nanterre / ENS Paris-Saclay). A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure with a degree in economics and social sciences and a doctorate in sociology from EHESS, he was a member of the Casa de Velazquez in Madrid from 2009 to 2011.

His work, which focuses mainly on social reactions to terrorist attacks, is more broadly concerned with moral and political sociology.

His publications include Sidérations: une sociologie des attentats (Puf, 2016), Shell Shocked: The Social Response to Terrorist Attacks (Polity Press, 2018) and, with Sarah Gensburger, Les mémoriaux du 13 novembre (Éditions de l’EHESS, 2020). He has also coordinated several journal issues, including the “Attentats” dossier for Ethnologie française (n°173, 2019).

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