
Authors Translators

Yasmine Siblot

Yasmine Siblot is a lecturer and researcher in sociology at the University of Paris 8. Her work focuses on the recomposition of the working classes in France and Europe, intra-European migration and the relationship between the working classes and public institutions. Her publications include Faire valoir ses droits au quotidien. Les services publics dans les quartiers populaires, Presses de Sciences Po, 2006; Sociologie des classes populaires contemporaines ( with M. Cartier, I. Coutant, O. Mascelet and N. Renahy), Armand Colin, 2015; The France of the Little-Middles: A Suburban Housing Development in Greater Paris (with M. Cartier. I. Coutant and O. Masclet ; trans. J. Rogers), Berghanh Books, 2016; Classes sociales et politique au Portugal. Pratiques du métier de sociologue (ed., with V. Borges Pereira), Le Croquant, 2019.

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