
Authors Translators

Romain Mainieri

Romain Mainieri is a doctoral student in history at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (IHMC lab). A member of the University Network of Researchers in Environmental History RUCHE (Réseau Universitaire de Chercheurs en Histoire environnementale), he works on environmental history.
With the support of a research grant from the Wendel Foundation since 2022, he has been writing a thesis entitled ‘Le monde végétal face aux pollutions industrielles en France (1810-1914)’ (The Plant World Faced with Industrial Pollution in France), under the supervision of Charles-François Mathis (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and François Jarrige (Université de Bourgogne).
His publications include Une ville et ses fumées. Penser et représenter la pollution de l’air au Creusot (1836-1939), Paris, L’Harmattan, 2022 (A City and its Smoke: Views and Representations of Air Pollution in Le Creusot).

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