
Authors Translators

Stella Ghervas

Stella Ghervas is currently Visiting Scholar at Harvard’s Center for European Studies. She is also senior fellow at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine (Bordeaux), member of the IRICE Center (CNRS / Universities of Paris I and Paris IV) and of CIFE (Centre international de formation européenne, Brussels).

Her research interests include European history (18th-21st century), history of ideas, history of international relations, as well as history of Russia and South-Eastern Europe. Her major book, Réinventer la tradition. Alexandre Stourdza et l’Europe de la Sainte-Alliance, explores the intellectual climate and the political conceptions prevailing in Europe at the time of the Congress of Vienna (Guizot Prize of the Académie Française in 2009, Xenopol Prize of the Romanian Academy in 2010). She taught at the University of Chicago, Institut d’Etudes Avancées in Paris, Sciences Po Bordeaux, as well as the Universities of Geneva, St. Petersburg, and Bucharest.

She is currently completing a book entitled Conquering Peace: From the Enlightenment to the European Union. Its goal is to examine how the reflection on war and peace induced the awareness of Europe, as a continent and as civilization, and how it crystallized around a legal and political definition. In parallel, she is working on a project aiming to pave the way for a transnational history of the Black Sea Region. It raises the issue of how to define “Europe” and how it blends into Asia.

 Video interview on La Vie des idées : L’europe par la paix

 Her personal page.

 Her webpage on Academia

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