
Authors Translators

Charlotte Canizo

Charlotte Canizo is a second-year DPhil (PhD) student at the University of Oxford, working on [“unaccompanied Jewish child migrants in British and French Jewish humanitarianism (1903-1948)”>] under the co-supervision of Pr. Abigail Green and Dr. Jenny Carson. Her project is in partnership with the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET), a British charity which aims to educate diverse audiences in the UK about the Holocaust and its contemporary relevance. Her research is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Clarendon scholarship. Prior to studying at Oxford, she earned an MA in Contemporary History from Sciences Po Paris (2022). Her master’s thesis focused on the rescue of Jewish children in France during the Holocaust at the Sèvres children’s home (1941-1949). Her first article on this topic was published in 2024 in the issue 220 of the Revue d’Histoire de la Shoah.

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