
Authors Translators

Élie Azria

Elie Azria is an obstetrician and gynaecologist working at the Notre Dame de Bon Secours maternity hospital and the Paris Saint Joseph hospital. He teaches at the Paris 7 Faculty of Medicine and is a researcher in epidemiology at Inserm (U1153, Equipe EPOPé - Unité de recherche épidémiologique en santé périnatale et santé des femmes).

In 2010, he defended a dissertation within the framework of “Scientific Knowledge: Epistemology, History of Science and Didactics of Disciplines” and the Ethics Research Unit of the University Paris Sud 11 (EA1610), entitled “Sur les voies de la connaissance médicale: De la recherche clinique aux incertitudes de la pratique du soin” (On the paths of medical knowledge: from clinical research to the uncertainties of healthcare practice). This thesis was awarded the Jansen Prize by the Académie nationale de médecine in 2011.
Her current research focuses on the impact of social inequalities on maternal and perinatal health.

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