Myriam Ababsa is a social geographer specializing in the Middle East, an associate research fellow at the Institut français du Proche-Orient, and an urban planner for the United Nations. She is the author of Amman, de pierre et de paix (Paris: Autrement, 2007) and Raqqa, territoires et pratiques sociales d’une ville syrienne (Beirut: Ifpo, 2009). She has co-edited Cities, Urban Practices and Nation Building in Jordan (Beirut: Ifpo, 2011) with Rami Daher and Popular Housing and Urban Land Tenure in the Middle East (Cairo: University of Cairo Press, 2012) with Eric Denis and Baudouin Dupret. She has also edited Atlas of Jordan: History, Territories, Society (Beirut: Ifpo, 2013).