
La rédaction publie

Surinder S. Jodhka & Jules Naudet

The Oxford Handbook of Caste
Oxford, 2023

par Jules Naudet , le 1er mars 2024

Pour des raisons déontologiques, nous ne donnons pas recension des livres suivants, parce qu’ils sont publiés par des membres de la rédaction ou dans des collections qu’ils dirigent. Nous ne faisons donc que les signaler.

Cet ouvrage présente une vue d’ensemble actualisée des castes en s’appuyant sur les recherches les plus récentes et les plus novatrices.

Ce livre propose une nouvelle définition des castes qui va au-delà des conceptions orientalistes conservatrices, offre de nouvelles perspectives sur les castes, au-delà des binômes classiques entre tradition et modernité, Orient et Occident, grâce à un ensemble de contributeurs issus de toutes les disciplines des sciences sociales.

Beginning with the 1990s, the subject of caste has seen a profound increase in interest among scholars. What was until then approached as a fossilized tradition of the ritual-obsessed Hindus refusing to see the progressive spirits of the emerging world and studied as a branch of anthropology, suddenly began to be seen as a complex reality deeply embedded in a range of institutions and social practices, attracting scholars from a wide range of disciplines—sociology, political science, history, literature, and even economics. Underlying this opening of the subject of caste were many factors : epistemic, empirical, and political. Caste is no longer approached through the classical binaries of ’traditional’ and ’modern’ ; the ’East’ and the ’West’ ; or the ’closed’ and ’open’ systems of stratification. With the growing consolidation of caste-based identities among those ranked lower down in the hierarchy since the 1990s, raising questions of citizenship and dignity, the subject has acquired a new salience. As the emerging research shows, the realities of caste on the ground have always been diverse across regions, often contested and ever changing. This Handbook presents a wide range of essays written by authors representing diverse academic disciplines and perspectives, bringing together the emerging trends in the research, imaginations, and lived realities of caste.

par Jules Naudet, le 1er mars 2024

Pour citer cet article :

Jules Naudet, « The Oxford Handbook of Caste. Oxford, 2023 », La Vie des idées , 1er mars 2024. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL :

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