
Dossier Society Economy

To Have or Not to Have
Poverty and Wealth in National Contexts

by Émilie Frenkiel , 15 July 2012

How to combat growing inequalities and injustice in a given country? Recent research suggests that solutions lie in better understanding and controlling access to education and working conditions but also in regulating tax havens and the salaries of executives.

Dossier's Articles

by Émilie Frenkiel, 15 July 2012

Further reading

See also the dossier on "Culture of Poverty", Books&Ideas, 19 July 2011

To quote this article :

Émilie Frenkiel, « To Have or Not to Have. Poverty and Wealth in National Contexts », Books and Ideas , 15 July 2012. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL :

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